Thursday, August 24, 2017

Our great God

Jeremiah 51:15 He made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.

I must admit that I cannot really understand exactly what the meaning is to these phrases.  My logical self wants to be able to analyze the phrases in order to have more clarity or depth of their meaning, but I struggle with that.  It could be that if I knew Hebrew I could get more, but since I do not, I am left with just meditating on the greatness of God as expressed in this description of His power.  It was His power that enabled the creation of the earth.  It was His wisdom that gave Him the ability to put together the way everything works together to keep the world going, things like the evaporation of water from the ocean helping create rainfall.  I would never have thought of things like that on my own!  It was God’s understanding that created the universe and the vastness and un-knowableness of the universe tells me how great God’s understanding is and how much greater He is than anything else.  Thinking about this makes me understand a little better the phrase in a following verse (v.17) when Jeremiah says, “Every man is stupid and without knowledge…”  In comparison to our great God, how true this is!

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