Friday, June 2, 2017


Psalm 119:100 I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts.

Knowing and obeying God’s Word has many benefits but I think the understanding it gives me is close to, if not THE, most beneficial and most useful.  Understanding is no respecter of persons.  It can be a quality of the lowest of the low, or of the greatest of leaders.  This verse is in the middle of a group of verses describing the benefits of knowing, loving and obeying the Word:
  1. Wisdom makes me wiser than [even] my enemies (v.98);
  2. insight (v. 99);
  3. understanding (v.100);
  4. purity (v. 101, 104);
  5. knowledge (v.102). 
In other words, there is immeasurable personal and spiritual benefit from knowing and obeying God’s Word.  I am so thankful, and actually quite overwhelmed, by the strong influence that memorizing verses has had on my own personal walk with God through the years since I began memorizing under the Bible Memory Association back in 1957.  It has given me insight and understanding that I may not have had any other way.

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