Thursday, June 8, 2017

My plans

Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

I never noticed this verse before.  I was more familiar with the later verse, v.9, where it says we humans plan our course, but the Lord establishes our steps.  But here the concept goes even further, even more detailed because this verse says if I commit even my concepts for activity, the Lord will establish those plans that my heart is making and thus my steps will also be established.  It all really boils down to being totally committed to God and allowing Him to manage my life for me.  So … at the beginning of my day I say to Him, “Lord, I want to be in control of my activity for today and I want to be a blessing or an encouragement or a disciple in whatever way You ordain,” then He gives me the ideas of what I should do that day and every event or encounter will be part of His plan and part of His establishing of my steps.

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