Monday, June 5, 2017

Binding my fingers

Proverbs 7:3 Bind them [i.e., “my word”] on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.

This verse gives me an interesting picture of what kind of response to God’s Word I should have in my own heart and life.  What does it mean to “bind” something on my fingers?  Several pictures come to my mind:
  1. tying a string around your finger to remember something;
  2. wearing rings to adorn yourself or to display a special relationship with someone;
  3. wearing gloves to protect or to warm your hands/fingers.
All of these pictures, when looked at through spiritual eyes, signify ways that God wants His Word to affect us:
  1. never forget it;
  2. let it show to others;
  3. let people see God in us;
  4. let it protect us from evil;
  5. let it bring spiritual warmth to our lives.
Then, finally, if it is written on our hearts it will have a presence and effect on our lives that will be unaffected by outside influences.  We cannot be drawn away by sin.  I definitely want to have the Word bound on my fingers.

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