Thursday, December 14, 2017

A simple gesture

Acts 28:15b On seeing them, Paul thanked God and took courage.

I think there are times when we think what we do or say does not make any difference when in actuality we have said or done something at “just the right time” for someone.  We never know when a simple word of loving encouragement may be just what that person needed.  When I drive down the road or walk down an aisle in a store, I am often reminded that the person I pass may be carrying some heavy burden that does not show but is weighing heavily on them.  Frequently, when I have spoken to them, their response tells me of that burden or their facial expression makes it clear that I have somehow brightened their day.  I see that response often at Aldi’s when I give my shopping cart to them and refuse their quarter.  It reminds me that even a simple gesture can shine the

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