Thursday, April 9, 2020

Belated birthday hippo

I made a cute little hippo card for my brother-in-law.  With all that has been going on lately I did not get a card to him in time, so I am ashamed to say this is belated, but I hope that when he gets it, he'll enjoy the "Hippo birdie to you" sentiment on the inside of the card.

Notice the sweet little red birds accompanying this birthday hippo?  There is one on the inside of the card as well.  Adding these little red birds made my card fit perfectly with the challenge #260 over at {Pin}spirational Challenge Blog.  I have been following this challenge blog for some time and have never gotten around to entering it, but this coronavirus has given me the time and inspiration to do a little more creative thinking!


  1. Very sweet card. Thanks for playing along witih PINspirational Challenges. Sandy/DT

  2. Sweet card!!! Thank-you so much for participating in our {PIN}SPIRATIONAL challenge. Hope to see your beautiful creations in our next challenge!! Have a happy crafty day!!! So sorry this is late, but with everything going on, I’m just getting around to doing this. Please stay safe and stay strong during this time.
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper
