Sunday, July 19, 2020


Ecclesiastes 12:11
The words of the wise are like goads …

When I first read this, my reaction was negative because when I think of “goads” I think of a cattle prod, something uncomfortable or even painful.  I looked up “goad” in the dictionary and as happens so often, I gained new understanding of the meaning of this verse by doing so!  “Goad” is indeed a prod, such as an electrified pole that pushes cattle along.  The other meaning of the word is “an encouragement or a stimulus,” and that puts a whole new layer of meaning to this verse.  The words of a wise person should be stimulating the hearers, encouraging them to do the right thing, to make wise decisions.  At times that might mean speaking uncomfortable things to them.  When I speak wisely, my goal should be to gently but firmly force the thinking and action of the hearer towards godly thinking and doing.  When I do that, I will be goading them along the path of righteousness.

When I read this in my devotions this week, I immediately thought of the Sunday School lesson I was studying for the week from I Peter 2:4-15.  There are goads that God uses in our lives to push us along toward spiritual growth, gently prodding us along. 
            v.5 = be a living stone, built to be a holy priesthood
            v.5 = offer acceptable sacrifices
            v.6 = believe in Him
            v.6 = never be put to shame
            v.7 = receive honor
I Peter 2:11-16 gives us the goads we use to point others to Christ, ways we can prod them along the path of righteousness. 
         v.11 = live pure lives
         v.12 = conduct yourself honorably
         v.13 = be submission to authority, wherever it is
         v.14 = do not abuse your freedom 
I need God’s goading to push me along into a deeper walk with Him and at the same time I want God to use me to prod others!

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