Friday, December 29, 2017


Revelation 7:15b And he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence.

Although much of these surrounding chapters are full of the distress and pain of the punishment for unbelief in the end days, this phrase in this verse is very comforting.  It is talking about believers who are faithful to the very end and I was really struck by the description of God’s protection, His shelter, as being His very presence.  It is not His arms protecting them.  It is not a wall of protection.  It is far more encompassing than any other description of His protection we find in scripture.  This protection is found in the very presence of “God.  “Shelter” implies that there is something unsafe going on and the fact that God’s presence is the shelter speaks strongly of God’s omnipotence as well as His omnipresence.  That is most comforting to this believer!

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