As I have read through the books of Kings and Chronicles in the Old Testament this time around in my chronological reading of the Bible, I decided to note the names of the kings as they took to their thrones (as you see in my sample picture) and as I have done so I have seen more than ever before the difference that following God made (and makes), even in the life of a nation. On this page, for example, there is the name of one king for the nation of Judah, which is a nation that obeyed God's laws and worshiped Him only. On the other hand, during the reign of that one king in Judah, in the nation of Israel there were four different kings. For every one of those kings there is the statement that they did not walk in the ways of the Lord and did evil in the sight of the Lord. It has been my vivid reminder that there are always consequences to our decisions to either obey and worship God or not to do so. This is true in our personal lives but also true in a nation's life. It reminds me to pray for our nation and its leaders as well as for our populace. If we do not follow God's principles of living, who knows how long we can remain secure and stable?